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Logistics Services

We provide all clients with medicines, cosmetics, nutritional supplements, and medical supplies.

Services offered:

Establishing cosmetic companies and pharmaceutical companies.

Providing a pharmacist to register as a responsible manager for pharmaceutical companies.

Providing all contracts with cosmetic factories, medicines, and nutritional supplements.

Providing agencies imported from any country with all the documents required for registration, import, and customs release.

Providing all dealings with packaging factories with special prices for all cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and nutritional supplement packages.

Registration of imported and local cosmetics, medicines, nutritional supplements, and Food Institute products.

Contracts with drug stores and cosmetic stores to register the importers’ registration record.

Releasing medical supplies such as supplies for medical clinics, beauty machines for the beauty center, and beauty clinics.

Buy & sell of pharmaceutical files, cosmetics, local and imported food supplements, and food products registered or under registration.
